
在iPad上打開「控制中心」,點擊螢幕鏡像(ScreenMirroring)。選擇LonelyScreen顯示的設備名稱,畫面就會投射到電腦。進行直播:.在Windows上安裝OBS ...,SystemPreferences->Security->FirewallTab->LockIcon->AddApplication(+)button->SelectLonelyScreen->clickOKbutton.Toallowaspecificappto ...,LonelyScreenturnsyourcomputerintoanAppleTV,enablingseamlesscastingofmovies,music,andscreenmirror...

教學:如何將iPad 畫面投射到Windows 電腦螢幕畫面並進行直播

在iPad 上打開「控制中心」,點擊螢幕鏡像(Screen Mirroring)。 選擇LonelyScreen 顯示的設備名稱,畫面就會投射到電腦。 進行直播:. 在Windows 上安裝OBS ...

blocked by Windows Firewall

System Preferences -> Security -> Firewall Tab -> Lock Icon -> Add Application (+) button -> Select LonelyScreen -> click OK button. To allow a specific app to ...


LonelyScreen turns your computer into an Apple TV, enabling seamless casting of movies, music, and screen mirroring from your iOS device.

免費的AirPlay電腦端接收錄影軟體「LonelyScreen」,讓你的 ...

目前市面上的電腦版AirPlay接收軟體要不就是需要付費、要不就是有功能限制,今天阿正老師要來介紹一套完全免費、而且沒有功能限制、同時支援Windows及Mac雙 ...


二、設定LonelyScreen. △ 安裝完成後,點擊左圖箭頭處「LonelyScreen」字樣,即可修改裝置 ...


Turn your PC or Mac into an Apple TV. iOS 11 Compatible. Share on the Big Screen. Presentation, App demo, Game Play, or Family Pictures. Download · Quick Start · About · Become a affiliate today!

AirPlay Receiver on Windows and OSX

LonelyScreen will run automaticlly once installed. A main window will pop up. Its default receiver name is LonelyScreen. You can click the name to change it ...

How to Mirror an iPhone to a PC [9 Best Ways]

LonelyScreen can help you cast AirPlay from an iPhone to your PC. To start screen mirroring your iPhone to a PC, follow these steps: Download ...

Free iPhone airplay to PC Cast iPhone screen to Desktop using ...

LonelyScreen is an AirPlay receiver for Windows and MAC. It is like an Apple TV running on your desktop. You can cast anything from your ...